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Ask the Pharmacist

Ask the Pharmacist

In this instalment of our Ask The Pharmacist series, Mounthawk Allcare’s Pat and Maria discuss how to survive the stress of exam season.

“June is here and as always this month heralds the onset of the dreaded state exams. We all remember the stress of this period of our lives, cramming the night before an exam in the hope that this will make up for 2 years of not listening in class (unfortunately this tactic did not work out so well for us). For those of you preparing to sit exams, we feel your pain. It is a time of high emotions, the culmination of years of state schooling and you no doubt will want to perform to the best of your ability. To this end we have compiled a list of some of the products available to you to assist you in reaching your goals.

Revive Teen Active is a super supplement, manufactured in Ireland, that contains a wealth of ingredients deigned to fuel a teenagers’s active lifestyle. It is a sachet that you dissolve in water and take on schooldays to give you the boost you need to get through the horrors of the school day. It contains 22 ingredients including Zinc for improved cognitive function, numerous B vitamins which are essential for energy production and Panothenic Acid which is proven to improve mental performance. It also contains a blend of beneficial bacteria to keep the gut healthy. We have had really good feedback from people who have used this product.

Also from the Revive Active crew, we stock Mastermind which is a super supplement containing 11 active ingredients proven to support the brain, including Choline, Uridine and Omega 3 DHA. This supplement is only licensed for teenagers 14 years and over and is proving to be very popular among students. Of course it can be used for adults as well so college students also would find it of benefit. This product will help you to keep your focus and reduce fatigue.

Zenflore is a capsule containing a patented probiotic culture as well as various B vitamins. This creation comes from the same people who developed the Alflorex probiotic which has been a real game changer in the management of IBS symptoms. Again, this is a really popular product for all those who may suffer from digestive upset brought on by the stress of exam time.

Pharmaton is a product that has been around for a long time and contains a unique blend of vitamins and minerals and also Ginseng which is proven to improve alertness. This product is more for adults who need a boost and increase in energy levels and is a must for college students.

Bach Rescue Remedy is a handy antidote to periods of stress in your life. It comes in a spray form or liquid melt form that will dissolve in your tongue. These tried and trusted products have been around for nearly 100 years and are so handy for overcoming stressful times in your life. This could be if you had to give a presentation in class, before your driving test etc. Here in Mounthawk Pharmacy, every staff member swallows half the bottle every time we need to go the gym to try and lose weight. It really does work and
is a natural product, derived
from flowers and we recommend it for anyone to try for themselves.

The above is just a quick summary of some of the products we sell in Mounthawk that can help you to stay physically and
mentally on top of your game. However, as with all things in life there is no substitute for hard work. You
can take as many supplements as
you like but you must put in the hard graft too. Look on exam time as an opportunity to show what you do know, not what you don’t. The Junior and Leaving certificate exams are important but the results will not define the person you are or what you will end up doing in life. There are many ways of becoming an accountant or a doctor these days and not all of them start with a student needing 7 H1’s in their Leaving to do so. Whether you take the direct route or the scenic route, once you end up at the same end point nobody will care how you got there. Remember to eat well and take plenty of study breaks. Meet up with friends and go for walks to clear your head. Don’t stay up all night the night before an exam in the hope you will magically cram everything in. There is no substitute for a good night’s sleep.

The staff of Mounthawk Allcare Pharmacy would like to wish all the students of Kerry success in the Junior and Leaving Certificate examinations this June. Do your best and then you will have no regrets. Best of luck!”

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