Despite the common belief that “most people get all the vitamins and minerals they need by eating a balanced, varied diet” the reality is that suboptimal intakes of vitamins and minerals are very common, even in people who eat well.
While healthy eating is very important, optimizing your nutritional intake with a good quality Vitamin B Complex or daily Multivitamin and Mineral formula capsule (which will contain all the essential B vitamins), can certainly help to improve your overall health and wellbeing.
B vitamins in particular can help with mood and energy because they are vital for energy production in your body and also important for your brain.
A good quality B COMPLEX formula which contain higher amounts of B vitamins can help reduce feeling of fatigue, stress, anxiety and confusion while also improving mood and general wellbeing.
If you are feeling run down, flat, stressed or fatigued consider a B COMPLEX supplement. Some formulas will have higher levels of B1, B2, B5 or B12 to meet individual needs so chat to us prior to choosing your product and we will advise which one suits your specific requirements best.
Daily supplementation of a good quality B COMPLEX can help support your central nervous system and help raise your daily tolerance and coping levels.
My personal favourite is the fabulous Irish brand MACANTA. The B COMPLEX from this range is very effective and very simple with just one capsule each morning.
Some other good quality brands include, VIRIDIAN, TERRA NOVA and SOLO, all of which you will find here in store with us.
Until next time, stay healthy
Horan’s Health Store,Manor West
Ph: 066 718 0690 | E: horansmanor@gmail.com
Web: www.horanshealth.ie