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Keeping on track on the run up to Christmas and over the Festive Season !

Keeping on track on the run up to Christmas and over the Festive Season !

For many of us the run up to Christmas and the holidays themselves can result in a weight/ fat gain and a lot of unnecessary stress. This is part of the reason that Gyms are full to the brim in January. Remember though that the majority of weight gain is over an extended period not just a short holiday period. Start making small adjustments to your lifestyle now. Eat less – Move more.

If you are considering joining a gym, doing personal training or taking up a sport in the new year – DO IT NOW. The quicker you start the sooner you will see the benifits – and no you won’t ruin it all by eating/drinking / socialising more over Christmas, the extra exercise/focus will lessen the potential gain in weight. And indeed will be a well needed stress release.
Here are some simple tips to keep you on track while still enjoying your self over the Christmas period. Remember your aim should be to enjoy these special occasions, without guilt but not falling out of your healthy lifestyle or off the proverbial band wagon.

• Again be prepared. Dont leave it until the last minute when grocery shopping or indeed shopping for presents.
• Avoid buying – sweets, selection boxes, chocolates – for your family or indeed as a present for others. If its not in the Cupboard – you can’t eat it. A fruit hamper is a lovely alternative

• Avoid opening that box of chocolates and leaving it on the table – oops they’re all gone !! Sound familiar.

• Vouchers are a great present! They take a lot of the hard work and stress out of shopping for others

• Be prepared – make a to do list. Try to avoid leaving everything till the last minute.
• Don’t put unrealistic demands on yourself. Remember it’s often the small things that people appreciate.
• Try to get out in the fresh air every day. Wrap up if the weather isn’t great. There is nothing like a little fresh air to clear the mind.

Eating Out
• Aim to eat at a restaurant that serves quality, freshly prepared food.
• Choose either a starter or a desert.
• Get 2 spoons with your desert- share with a friend!
• Order sauces ‘on the side’ sauces can be very calorie dense but having them on the side chances are you will consume much less while still enjoying them
• Fish is a great lower calorie high protein option
• Avoid being over hungry when going out to eat
• Order water for the table. Yes you can enjoy your wine too but drinking water between drinks will help keep you hydrated ( avoiding the cravings for salty foods the following day) and may result in you drinking/eating less

• Make time – 15 minutes is better than nothing
• Don’t neglect your steps – keep active
• Get out in the fresh air where possible
• The Christmas period is a great time to go for family walks, or meet up and walk with friends. Choosing a swim in the pool instead of the cinema will help keep you on track. Remember its all the small things that count.
• Do a Christmas swim
And most importantly enjoy this special time of year.

Calorie content of popular alcoholic drinks –

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